
synopsis of my day

  • had my first fight with ants in my kitchen. I WON!!!
  • went to school and learned how to say (in portuguese of course) "I put the fork on the plate"
Eu coloquei o garfo no prato
  • picked up kids from school at noon
  • went to the federal police to be fingerprinted
  • while sitting in the office at the federal police, was asked to get up so that others doing passports could have our seats...apparently there are assigned seats depending on who you are and why you're there. (we were instructed to sit on the adjoining wall that said ESTRANGEIROS) I tried not to get my feelings hurt! ;) I found out later this word means foreigners...which I guess is better than strangers.
  • went to the store to get something for dinner and heard a Taylor Swift song. (noone can speak or understand English yet EVERYONE listens to American songs.) It's kinda funny...maybe I should just sing songs to people so I can relate with them. hmmm...maybe not.
  • washed fruits and veggies with a lil' chlorine to get the critters off and took some photos for ya'll to see


Anonymous said...

Rebecca, how do yall like Brazilian food so far? I really liked the pictures :) And yes, ESTRANGEIROS stands for foreigners and not STRANGERS.

kelly summers said...

good day. I would say. My friend Emily will be sending you a message soon, do not be alarmed. :)

Jen said...

Those fruits and veggies look awesome..makes me so so ready for my summer garden.
You should have started singing..I would have.....
Hope you are smiling today!