
The List

Okay...I'm taking a break after cleaning up breakfast and I'm pretty sure half of the HUGE dinner is already prepared. Man, I'm sure gonna miss my mom! She knows how to make holidays WONDERFUL! She creates these amazing spreads of food that are unbelievable. I wonder if that gene will ever kick in with me?!? The parade is on and the boys are all playing foosball with their dad and pawpaw. I love the sounds of family playing together! I decided to make a list of all the things I'm so blessed with so here goes...

I'm Thankful for:

  • A husband that places the needs of his family above his own at all times. (Plus he's amazingly handsome)
  • Parents who taught me of a man named Jesus and ALL He has done for me.
  • A mom who loves to serve others and give so graciously to everyone around her.
  • A dad who stands beside my mom to wash dishes that have piled up and never forgets to acknowledge me any time I walk into a room.
  • JohnMark's thoughtful way of caring for people who have less than he does and sharing his faith with so many people!
  • Jackson's curly hair and guitar SKILLS! You've got to hear him play!!!
  • Jayden's laughter and joy that can turn a bad day into a great one!

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God,
and keep the vows you made to the Most High.
Psalm 50:14


Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Hey RP,

It's nice to meet you! Thanks for checking out my blog! Looks like we have a lot in common, besides just a GREAT name!

Angie said...

Hey Rebecca!
I really enjoyed reading your blog. I guess I never realized you were moving to Brazil until I searched a little more through it all.
Best of luck to your family! You're doing a wonderful service to those who need you....
You have given me inspiration just by reading your posts. It's amazing the lives you can touch--not even in person. I am proud of you!!
Sending love your way.