You really don’t need a bunch of stuff to be completely happy! My lil’ family is blissful in the midst of no television, a laptop that works when I hold it high above my head really close to one of the admin buildings, and 1 bar on my cell phone. Someone saw me doing the "wifi reach" as I like to call it just the other day! EMBARRASSING!
We end each day with the knowledge that we have completed a lot of hard work and are truly stretching ourselves. Every hour of every day is devoted to learning and growing us. The boys are making so many friends and seem to love living amongst LOTS of people. This is a good thing. ;) They are going to school to learn how to strengthen their quiet times.
Speaking of the kid's, a parrot named Richard resides at their school. AND Richard has “taken a liking” to Michael. The woman in charge of him said that he (the parrot) always picks a couple of individuals (usually adults) each FPO to attach to and will always go to them when they approach. Michael must have used his "bird whispering" skills on him or something because today was the 2nd day that Richard crawled onto his shoulder. When Mike told him to go home, he moved over to his perch! The kids went crazy and wanted to know how Mike could accomplish such a feat! Mike is enjoying his new found fame amongst the kids. ha
I’m also getting to spend precious time with my heavenly Father. Friday, we were given 3 hours to simply BE with God as HE filled our cups to overflowing! We are being reminded that the sole purpose in all that we are doing is to GLORIFY GOD!
One last thing to report…Jayden got his hair cut.
BEFORE (early July)
AFTER (Aug. 1)
What do ya think? He looks older, huh!?! He was a little shocked when she cut it but it was totally his idea and he said he was finally ready. (I guess my baby is no longer a baby)
He does look older. We're so glad you guys are getting settled in and have others their for encouragement. We have you card added to our Brazil board that we've been learning about.
Please keep us posted and let us know if you need anything. Love Chris, Cheryl, Juliet and Gabe.
HE does look like a young man now doesn't he?
I absolutely LOVED the spiritual retreats they gave to us...we are praying for your family.
Missing you today. Pray for Jim. Jamie is in Cuiaba, Brazil this week. Anywhere close to where you'll be? Big news...we got skype! Sounds like it will be a while before we can use it with the whole "wi-fi reach" thing!
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